Shopify Stock Surging ECommerce Website Design and Digital Marketing
Digital platforms such as Shopify ecommerce website design has been growing over the past few years and have powerfully surged in amount of usage as Covid-19 keeps people at home. From the comfort of their living room couches, consumers have fixated on the online marketplace and it has transformed into their newest addiction.
Growth of the Digital Platform
Companies such as Shopify, Zoom, Wix, Facebook, and Pinterest are enjoying a tremendous growth in revenue this year. Specifically Zoom stock and growth has been exponential! Those consumers who aren’t in areas with stay at home orders are reluctant to go out into public areas and are voluntarily staying home. Payment processors like PayPal and Square are also benefiting with abundant growth because those consumers are shopping online. While consumers continue shopping online for discretionary items they are also turning to ecommerce for their necessities as well. If you haven’t already, now you absolutely must focus on your company’s website and digital marketing.
Shopify Explosion
With the shift to online shopping Shopify stock has shot up dramatically while other stocks founder during this public health crisis. By effectively scaling and offering the world a place to shop, Shopify has not only survived the Covid-19 economic shock but has actually managed to increase their profits making it completely clear that now is the time for online marketing and ecommerce.
Do You Need A Website Redesign?
If you have neglected your company’s website in the recent past you need to fix that right now. Consumers favor user friendly, innovative, and visually appealing web designs. E-commerce has to have an element of entertainment for consumers in order to encourage them to convert to a paying customer. You not only need to deliver quality products or services, you also need to offer an exceptional e-commerce shopping experience.
Digital Marketing Agencies
After you have a website designed or redesigned, the next thing to do is to help the consumer find it with optimal digital marketing. Marketing leads consumers who have money to spend to your website where they will spend it. Similar to the companies mentioned above, the digital marketing industry is experiencing exponential growth right now, by assisting companies and consumers to find each other. Your competitors are already doing it, so don’t fall behind in the marketing game..
Leveraging Digital Marketing Strategies
Thought Media is a website design company and digital marketing agency that is helping new clients explore the digital world, and existing clients continue to succeed. There has never been a better time to leverage your online power, drive your profits up, and convert consumers into your loyal customers. Call 1 (800) 916 3864 now for a consultation, and find out how we can help.