Canadian Businesses and Emerging Global Technology

With a regular diet of new iPhone and Android launches boasting the most progressive advancements in technology, it’s certain that the USA is a global leader in the technological marketplace. All of the emerging technology flowing out of the USA makes one wonder if Canada is getting left behind in the digital marketplace.

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Canada VR Web DesignGrowing In AI and VR

Google, Amazon, Facebook, and several other companies are driving researching and developing the Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine Learning technologies. Facebook is funding VR expansion through Oculus Rift which could change the future of ecommerce. Imagine toggling on a setting that allows you to see products in 3D, to even walk around them! Amazon is exploring several elements of AI, with their Alexa interface. From speech recognition to doing tasks for you, Alexa is quickly becoming the personal assistant of the future.

Is Canada Keeping Up?

According to a US real estate firm, yes, Canada is keeping up. Both Toronto and Vancouver, Canada are placed at the top of the sectors for job growth in the technology industries. Toronto itself is in the top 5 cities with the highest technological growth.

Markham, Ontario Leads the Pack

Canada TechTouted at the Tech Capital of Canada, the city of Markham boasts 37,000 tech industry and life sciences jobs. GE Electric, IBM, and Toshiba are among 400 Canadian head offices located within Markham. Quickmobile, HootSuite, and Blackberry are all Canadian companies that are on up and coming lists. These are just three of the 50 Canadian companies that are excelling in the technology sector.

Poised to Prosper

Canadian businesses are in the perfect position to take advantage of emerging technology growth and claim their fair share of the profits. Building on the stable base technology centers of Markham, Toronto, and Vancouver, business can spread the benefits of emerging technology nationwide. As a Canadian company ourselves, the website and ecommerce design experts here at Thought Media stand ready to help Canadian businesses make a move towards a more technical future. Call us for your no obligation needs analysis 1 (800) 916 3864.

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